Miramar Landing News

2022 Miramar Landing Baltimore County Trash-Recycling-Bulk Collection Schedule


YOUR   2022   BALTIMORE  COUNTY TRASH & RECYCLING COLLECTION SCHEDULE IS HERE! VIEW LINK FOR IMPORTANT PROGRAM UPDATES AND INFORMATION, INCLUDING: •             Your Specific Collection Calendar •             NEW Holiday "Slide" Schedule •             Collection Regulations. •             NEW Container Rules for Trash, Recycling and Yard Materials •             Accepted Items for Recycling •             Drop-off Center Information baltimorecountymd.gov/solidwaste  [email protected] Link: BCounty-ML 2022 Trash-Recycling.PDF YOUR   2022   BALTIMORE  COUNTY BULK ITEM COLLECTION SCHEDULE IS HERE!   Baltimore County is introducing a new residential collection program for bulk items in 2022. View Link below for your specific scheduled bulk item collection dates for 2022. Please retain this information to [...]

2022 Miramar Landing Baltimore County Trash-Recycling-Bulk Collection Schedule2022-06-21T15:47:06+00:00

Upcoming BGE Project – Compass Road


Dear Homeowner(s), This notice is being sent to inform you about the upcoming BGE project on Compass Road. Please be advised that the work may involve temporary lane closures and metal plates to cover excavations in off-hours. Enclosed in this letter, you will find a copy of the Reliability Letter from BGE, which will provide you with the details of the project.  If you have any questions or concerns please feel free to contact me via email at [email protected] Sincerely, Matthew Merckel CMCA®, AMS® Community Association Manager Miramar Landing Homeowners Association, Inc. Compass_Road_Reliability_Letter Compass Road Reliability Letter [...]

Upcoming BGE Project – Compass Road2022-06-21T15:47:19+00:00

Dumpster Day- Miramar Landing!!


Hi Neighbors, We will be having our Miramar Landing community dumpster day on Saturday, December 4, 2021- 7am to Noon. Dumpsters will be located at our park on Tinker and Sherman. This dumpster day will occur if we have a sufficient number of volunteers to monitor the dumpsters. The dumpsters must be monitored to ensure only allowable items are accepted (Our management company will be providing a listing of allowable items). The community will be charged for any disallowed items that are dumped. Therefore, we must have monitors. We need volunteers hourly for each dumpster ( We anticipate 3 dumpsters). [...]

Dumpster Day- Miramar Landing!!2021-11-03T11:10:50+00:00

ML 2021 HOA Meeting Notice(TBD):


Upcoming HOA Meetings (We Are Still In a Board Only Meeting Schedule) : August 31, 2021 @ 6:00pm Next HOA Board Meeting (Pending School Approval, This Maybe In-Person Meeting) : October 5, 2021 @ 6:40pm Next HOA Committee Meeting (Pending) : November 2, 2021 @ 6:40pm Next HOA Board Meeting (Pending)  

ML 2021 HOA Meeting Notice(TBD):2022-06-21T15:47:33+00:00

Miramar Landing Watch Committee


BGE Street Light Outage BGE services more than 282,000 unmetered street and private lights in central Maryland. Thank you for taking the time to make us aware of any streetlight problems, including lights that are out, flickering, day burning or damaged. Providing the location, address and pole number of the light will help our field personnel diagnosis issues and make repairs. Clink Link: https://bge.streetlightoutages.com/public/default.html

Miramar Landing Watch Committee2021-10-15T21:09:15+00:00

Miramar Landing Cleanup Committee


Miramar Landing Community Dumpster Day Almost Here! 12/7/19/ 7am to 12 Noon Our community dumpster day is a little over 2 weeks away. We are still in need of volunteers to make this event possible. Thanks to the volunteers who have already responded to help. Your willingness to volunteer is much appreciated. We do not want to have to cancel the event due to insufficient number of volunteers to monitor the dumpsters. We are requesting just one hour minimum of your time. Here are the time slots still needed: 9am to 10am – 2 volunteers 11am to 12 Noon – 2 [...]

Miramar Landing Cleanup Committee2022-06-21T15:47:47+00:00
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